Operational Head
Dr. Amritha Suresh is a Principal Scientist of the Integrated Head and Neck Oncology Program, at Mazumdar Shaw Center for Translational Research (MSCTR), Narayana Health, Bangalore. She is also a faculty of the Roswell Park-Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Center collaborative Research program. Dr. Suresh completed her doctoral program from Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (JNU) and served as a Research Associate at Head and Neck Institute, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Kochi during which period she was involved in setting up the research facility and the establishment of a Head and Neck tissue repository at the center. She is the recipient of the Young Investigator grant from DBT apart from other grants from DBT and ICMR. She is a member of the Head and Neck Cooperative group of India, a consortium involved in collaborative projects in head and neck cancer and member of executive committee of Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology of India. She has presented in multiple national and international conferences and has published in journals such as Translational Oncology, Head & Neck, Genomics, Oral Oncology and Genome Research.
Understanding the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and drug resistance is essential in order to develop clinically viable models that predict susceptibility to tumour development or resistance to treatment. Molecular profiling of head and neck cancers to identify the changes during carcinogenesis and drug resistance, assessing the known markers from the available databases are the main approaches adopted in the lab. Additionally, the role of CSCs in the processes is being explored. Carcinogen induced animal models are the major tool to assess their role in a systematic manner and these studies have already been initiated. CSCs have long been associated with treatment resistance; drug resistant cell lines been developed in the group are being used to delineate the underlying mechanisms.